CCMoore Live System Shelf Life Paste 300g pot

Sale price£6.99


Ideal for wrapping around hookbaits, it is ready to use straight from the tub and is easy to mould around any object. Containing high quality proteins, yeasts, bird foods, cream powders, CSL Powder and other easily digested ingredients, it releases powerful, water-soluble appetite stimulants in all water temperatures.
This highly attractive, ready to use bait comes in a 300g pot, is the same product as that used to make this flavour’s hookbaits and is potted before being rolled or boiled.

Ready to use and easy to mould around any object
Instantly starts breaking down in water of any temperature
Low in oil, intensely attractive and ideal for year-round use
Powerful sweet almond taste & vanilla cream aroma
Contains milk, meat & vegetable proteins + fermentation catalysts
Releases powerful natural appetite stimulants and feeding triggers
Ideal for wrapping around hookbaits and making hookbaits
Superb as a high attract loose feed when fed in lumps.
Doesn’t need freezing, a great edge to carry in your rucksack!

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